
最近更新: 12th August 2022

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

This Statement of Rights and Responsibilities ("Statement") governs our relationship with users and others who interact with Timable. By using or accessing Timable, you agree to this Statement.


Your privacy is very important to us. We designed our Privacy Policy to make important disclosures about how you can use Timable to share with others and how we collect and can use your content and information. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy, and to use it to help make informed decisions.

2.Sharing Your Content and Information

You own all of the content and information you posted on Timable. In addition:

2.1.For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you posted on or in connection with Timable.

2.2.When you publish content or information, it means that everyone, including people off of Timable, will have access to that information and we may not have control over what they do with it.

2.3.We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Timable, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).

2.4.The video you uploaded on YouTube and shared on Timable via the YouTube "Embeddable Player" follows the terms of content ownership of YouYube. Timable bears no obligation and responsibility of the video you uploaded on YouTube.


We do our best to keep Timable safe, but we cannot guarantee it. We need your help to do that, which includes the following commitments:

3.1.You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on Timable.

3.2.You will not collect users' content or information, or otherwise access Timable, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our permission.

3.3.You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as a pyramid scheme, on Timable.

3.4.You will not upload viruses or other malicious code.

3.5.You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.

3.6.You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.

3.7.You will not post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.

3.8.You will not use any of the commonly known foul language.

3.9.You will not provide any fake information on Timable.

3.10.You will not advertise or otherwise market mature content without appropriate age-based restrictions. (Please see Advertising Guidelines)

3.11.You will not use Timable to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.

3.12.You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working of Timable, such as a denial of service attack.

3.13.You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement.

4.Registration and Account Security

Timable users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

4.1.You will not provide any false personal information on Timable, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.

4.2.You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your profile to an advertiser).

4.3.You will not use Timable if you are under 13.

4.4.You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.

4.5.You will not share your password, let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.

4.6.You will not transfer your account to anyone without first getting our written permission.

4.7.If you select a username or a display name for your account we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe appropriate (such as when a trademark owner complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name).

5.Protecting Other People's Rights

We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.

5.1.You will not post content or take any action on Timable that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.

5.2.We can remove any content or information you posted on Timable if we believe that it violates this Statement.

5.3.If you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.

5.4.You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Timable, the Timable Logos, etc.), or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.

5.5.If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Timable) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.

5.6.You will not post anyone's identification documents or sensitive financial information on Timable.

6.Protecting Original Information and Materials on Timable

6.1.Copying of information (such as event descriptions) and materials (such as graphics and html codes) originated by Timable (by any means) is strictly prohibited.

6.2.Copying of other information and materials from Timable onto other websites and media is allowed, provided that copies of the information and materials (in any forms) contain quotes of original information source (for example, url of the event page) and other existing quotes attached on the information and materials.


7.1.We currently provide our mobile services for free, but please be aware that your carrier's normal rates and fees, such as text messaging fees, will still apply.


If you make a payment on Timable, you agree to our Payments Terms.

9.About Advertisements on Timable

Our goal is to deliver ads that are not only valuable to advertisers, but also valuable to you. In order to do that, you agree to the following:

9.1.We do not give your personal information (like name and contacts) to advertisers without your consent.

9.2.You understand that we may not always identify paid services as such.

10.Special Provisions Applicable to Advertisers

The following additional terms apply to you if you place an advertisement ("Order") to Timable:

10.1.When you want to place an Order, you will provide us the event information by creating usual events. If we accept your Order, we will promote your events as ads as inventory becomes available.

10.2.You will pay for your Orders in accordance with our Payments Terms. The amount you owe will be calculated based on our pricing mechanisms.

10.3.Your ads will comply with our Advertising Guidelines.

10.4.We will determine the size, placement, positioning and timing of your ads.

10.5.We do not guarantee the activity that your ads will receive, such as the number of clicks you will get.

10.6.We cannot control how people interact with your ads, and are not responsible for click fraud on your ads and attached url or other improper actions that affect the cost of running ads.

10.7.Our license to run your ad will end when we have completed your Order. You understand, however, your ad is still searchable in Timable (but our user interface does not encourage it) and may be copied to somewhere else by users when your ad is posted within the order period.

10.8.We can use your ads and related content and information for marketing or promotional purposes.

10.9.You may issue press release or make public statements about your relationship with Timable, but the reversed is not permitted unless there is a written agreement.

10.10.We may reject or remove any ad for any reason.

10.11.The video you uploaded on YouTube and the link you put in the YouTube "Embeddable Player" on Timable follows all terms of YouYube. Timable bears no obligation and responsibility of your action of putting the video on YouTube. However, as far as the content of the video is concered, Timable’s terms override YouTube’s terms, referring to the "Advertising Guilelines" of Timable.

If you are placing ads on someone else's behalf, we need to make sure you have permission to place those ads, including the following:

10.12.You warrant that you have the legal authority to bind the advertiser to this Statement.

10.13.You agree that if the advertiser you represent violates this Statement, we may hold you responsible for that violation.


11.1.We can change this Statement if we provide you notice by posting the change on the Timable Terms Page.

11.2.We can make changes for legal or administrative reasons upon notice without opportunity to comment.


12.1.If you violate the letter or spirit of this Statement, or otherwise create possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of Timable to you. We will notify you by email or at the next time you attempt to access your account. In all such cases, this Statement shall terminate, but the terms related to remaining and prolonged property will still be effective.


13.1.You will resolve any claim, cause of action or dispute ("claim") you have with us arising out of or relating to this Statement or Timable exclusively in Hong Kong. The laws of Hong Kong will govern this Statement, as well as any claim that might arise between you and us, without regard to conflict of law provisions. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Hong Kong for the purpose of litigating all such claims.

13.2.If anyone brings a claim against us related to your actions, content or information on Timable, you will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) related to such claim.


14.Special Provisions Applicable to Users Outside Hong Kong

We strive to create a global community with consistent standards for everyone, but we also strive to respect local laws. The following provisions apply to users outside Hong Kong:

14.1.You consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in Hong Kong, or any other location that we placed our infrastructure without notice.


15.1.By "Timable" we mean the features and services we make available, including through (a) our website at timable.com (and its derivatives like www.timable.com, www.timable.com.hk, www.timable.hk, m.timable.com etc.) and any other Timable branded or co-branded websites (including sub-domains, international versions, widgets, and mobile versions); (b) our applications (like iOS application, Android application, etc.) ; (c) our Platform; and (d) other media, software (such as a toolbar), devices, or networks now existing or later developed.

15.2.By "us," "we" and "our" we mean Timable.

15.3.By "Platform" we mean a set of APIs and services that enable applications, developers, operators or services, including RSS feeds, to retrieve data from Timable or provide data to us.

15.4.By "information" we mean facts and other information about you, including actions you take.

15.5.By "content" we mean anything you post on Timable that would not be included in the definition of "information".

15.6.By "data" we mean content and information that third parties can retrieve from Timable or provide to Timable through Platform.

15.7.By "post" we mean the events, comment and action of "like", "dislike" and "unlike" you posted on Timable or otherwise make available to us.

15.8.By "use" we mean use, copy, publicly perform or display, distribute, modify, translate, and create derivative works of.

15.9.By "active registered user" we mean a user who has logged into Timable at least once in the previous 30 days.


16.1.This Statement makes up the entire agreement between the parties regarding Timable, and supersedes any prior agreements.

16.2.If any portion of this Statement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect.

16.3.If we fail to enforce any of this Statement, it will not be considered a waiver.

16.4.Any amendment to or waiver of this Statement must be made in writing by us.

16.5.You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Statement to anyone else without our consent.

16.6.All of our rights and obligations under this Statement are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.

16.7.Nothing in this Statement shall prevent us from complying with the law.

16.8.This Statement does not confer any third party beneficiary rights.

You may also want to review the following documents:

  • Privacy Policy: The Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect and use information.
  • Payment Terms: These additional terms apply to all payments made on or through Timable.
  • Advertising Guidelines: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to advertisements placed on Timable.

Privacy Policy

1.Information We Receive

1.1.Information you provide to us:

  • Personal information. When you sign up for Timable you provide us with your name, email, and some other information like your gender and Date of Birth. In some cases we may ask for additional information for security reasons or to provide specific services to you.
  • Content. One of the primary reasons people use Timable is to share content with others. Example includes entering the information of an event in Timable.
  • Transactional Information. We may retain the details of transactions or payments you make on Timable (for advertisers only).
  • Location Information. When you share your location with others or add a location to something you post, we treat that like any other content you post.

1.2.Information we collect when you interact with Timable:

  • Site activity information. We keep track of the actions you take on Timable, such as viewing an event and making comments on an event. In some cases you are also taking an action when you provide information or content to us. For example, if you post an event, in addition to storing the actual content you uploaded, we might log the action you have taken.
  • Access Device and Browser Information. When you access Timable from a computer, mobile phone, or other device, we may collect information from that device about your browser type, location, and IP address.
  • Cookie Information. We use "cookies" (small pieces of data we store for an extended period of time on your computer, mobile phone, or other device) to make Timable easier to use, to make your search more desired, to make our advertising better, and to protect both you and Timable. For example, we use them to store your login ID (but never your password) to make it easier for you to login whenever you come back to Timable. We also use them to confirm that you are logged into Timable and our advertisements. You can remove or block cookies using the settings in your browser, but in some cases that may impact your ability to use Timable.

1.3.Information from other websites. We may institute programs with advertising partners and other websites in which they share information with us:

  • We may ask advertisers to tell us how our users responded to the ads we showed them (and for comparison purposes, how other users who didn’t see the ads acted on their site). This data sharing, commonly known as "conversion tracking," helps us measure our advertising effectiveness and improve the quality of the advertisements you see.
  • We may receive information about whether or not you’ve seen or interacted with certain ads on other sites in order to measure the effectiveness of those ads.

2.Information You Share With Third Parties

We take steps to ensure that others use information that you share on Timable in a proper manner, but we cannot guarantee that they will follow our rules. Read the following section to learn more about how you can protect yourself when you share information with third parties.

2.1.Sharing information on Timable. Here are some specific things to remember:

  • You understand that information might be re-shared or copied by other users.
  • Certain types of communications that you send to other users cannot be removed, such as comment on post.
  • If you use an external source to publish information to Timable (such as a mobile application or a Connect site), you should check the privacy setting for that post, as it is set by that external source.
  • Information you shared (except the personal information you provided to us during registration) is publicly available information, may be accessed by everyone on the Internet (including people not logged into Timable), is subject to indexing by third party search engines, may be associated with you outside of Timable (such as when you visit other sites on the internet), and may be imported and exported by us.
  • You should always review the policies of third party to make sure you are comfortable with the ways in which they use information you share with them. We do not guarantee that they will follow our rules. If you find anyone that violates our rules, you should report the violation to us and we will take action as necessary.

2.2.Exporting Information. You (and those you make your information available to) may use tools like mobile phone address books, or copy and paste functions, to capture and export information from Timable, including your information and information about you.

2.3.Advertisements. Sometimes the advertisers who present ads on Timable use technological methods to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. You may opt-out of the placement of cookies by many of these advertisers. You may also use your browser cookie settings to limit or prevent the placement of cookies by advertising networks.

2.4.Links. When you click on links on Timable you may leave our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, and we encourage you to read their privacy statements. For YouTube videos in the YouTube "Embeddable Player" on Timable, although you do not leave our site, it follows all the terms of YouTube. Timable bears no obligation and responsibility of your action of viewing the video.

3.How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect to try to provide a safe, efficient, and customized experience. Here are some of the details on how we do that:

3.1.To manage the service. We use the information we collect to provide our services and features to you, to measure and improve those services and features, and to provide you with customer support. We use the information to prevent potentially illegal activities. For example, we ask for your date of birth to verify that you are over age 18 and so that we can better limit your access to content and advertisements that are not age appropriate. Maintenance may on occasion result in a temporary or permanent suspension or termination of some functions for some users.

3.2.To contact you. We may contact you with service-related announcements from time to time.

3.3.To serve personalized advertising to you. We don’t share your information with advertisers without your consent. We allow advertisers to choose the characteristics of users who will see their advertisements and we may use any of the non-personally identifiable attributes we have collected (including information you may have supposed not to show to other users, such as your birth year or other sensitive personal information or preferences) to select the appropriate audience for those advertisements. For example, we might use your interest in music to show you ads for concerts, but we do not tell the advertisers who you are. Even though we do not share your information with advertisers without your consent, when you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement there is a possibility that the advertiser may place a cookie in your browser and note that it meets the criteria they selected.

4.How We Share Information

Timable is about sharing information with others. We share your information with third parties (other users and advertisers etc.) when we believe the sharing is permitted by you, reasonably necessary to offer our services, or when legally required to do so. For example:

4.1.When you choose to share your information with marketers. You may choose to share information with marketers or electronic commerce providers that are not associated with Timable through on-site offers. This is entirely at your discretion and we will not provide your information to these marketers without your consent.

4.2.To give search engines access to publicly available information. We generally do not limit search engines’ access to our site. We may allow them to access information you shared in Timable.

4.3.To help improve or promote our service. Sometimes we share aggregated information with third parties to help improve or promote our service. But we only do so in such a way that no individual user can be identified or linked to any specific action or information.

4.4.To provide you with services. We may provide information to service providers that help us bring you the services we offer. For example, we may use third parties to help host our website, process payments, or provide search results or links (including sponsored links). These service providers may have access to your personal information for use.

4.5.To advertise our services. We may ask advertisers outside of Timable to display ads promoting our services. We may ask them to deliver those ads based on the presence of a cookie, but in doing so will not share any other information with the advertiser.

4.6.To respond to legal requests and prevent harm. We may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law. This may include respecting requests from jurisdictions outside of Hong Kong where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law under the local laws in that jurisdiction, apply to users from that jurisdiction, and are consistent with generally accepted international standards. We may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.

4.7.Transfer in the Event of Sale or Change of Control. If the ownership of all or substantially all of our business changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner so that the service can continue to operate. In such a case, your information would remain subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Policy.

5.How We Protect Information

We do our best to keep your information secure, but we need your help.

5.1.Steps we take to keep your information secure. We keep your account information on a secured server. We may also use automated and social measures to enhance security, such as analyzing account behavior for fraudulent or otherwise anomalous behavior, may limit use of site features in response to possible signs of abuse, may remove inappropriate content or links to illegal content, and may suspend or disable suspect accounts.

5.2.Risks inherent in sharing information. Please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information. We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information. We cannot ensure that information you share on Timable will not become publicly available. We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any security measures on Timable. You can reduce these risks by using common sense security practices such as choosing a strong password, using different passwords for different services, and using up to date antivirus software.

5.3.Report Violations. You should report any security violations to us.

6.Other Terms

6.1.Changes. We may change this Privacy Policy on Timable. Unless stated otherwise, our current privacy policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy we will notify you by publication on Timable.

6.2.Consent to Collection and Processing in Hong Kong. By using Timable, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in Hong Kong.

6.3.Defined Terms. "Us," "we," "our," and "Timable" mean the same as they do in the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. "Information" and "content" are used more generally and interchangeably here than in the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities unless otherwise limited by the context.

Payment Terms

When you make payments to Timable, you agree to these Payments Terms.

1.Making Purchases

1.1.When you confirm a transaction on Timable, you agree to be bound by and pay for that transaction.

1.2.Pay attention to the details of the transaction via your agency which may include taxes, fees, and shipping costs, which you are responsible for paying. (For example, Paypal fee will be charged to the advertisers on top of the order amount of Timable)

1.3.Don't commit to a transaction unless you are ready to pay, because all sales are final.

1.4.You may be presented with additional terms related to a specific purchase before you confirm the transaction. Those additional terms will also govern that transaction.

1.5.Even though we use terms like "purchase," "buy," "sell," and "order" to talk about transactions related to advertisement, we don't transfer an ownership interest in those items. For example, the advertisement we post on Timable are licensed to you, not sold.


2.Payment Sources

We want to make payments convenient, so we will allow you to make payments using a number of different payment sources, like bank transfer and Paypal.

2.1.When you make a purchase of advertising from us, you confirm that you are permitted to use the payment sources that we provided.

2.2.When you make a payment, you authorize us (and our designated payment processor) to charge/collect the full amount to/from the payment source you designate for the transaction.

2.3.If you pay by credit card we may obtain a pre-approval from the issuer of the card for an amount up to the amount of the purchase. We will bill your card at the time of purchase or shortly thereafter. If you cancel a transaction before completion, that pre-approval may result in your funds not otherwise being immediately available.

3.Actions We May Take

As part of our effort to keep Timable safe, we may take certain actions to reduce liability for users and us.

3.1.We may make any inquiries that we consider necessary, either directly or through third parties, concerning your identity and creditworthiness.

3.2.We may cancel any transaction if we believe the transaction violates these Payments Terms or the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, or we believe doing so may prevent financial loss.

3.3.We may place a delay on a payment for a period of time, limit payment sources for a transaction, limit your ability to make a payment or deactivate your account if we believe doing so may prevent financial loss.

3.4.We may contact your payment source issuer, law enforcement, or impacted third parties (including other users) and share details of any payments you are associated with if we believe doing so may prevent financial loss or a violation of law.

3.5.We may cancel any credits transferred, assigned, or sold in violation of these Payments Terms or the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

3.6.If you purchase advertising, and your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may take steps to collect past due amounts using other collection mechanisms. You agree to pay all expenses associated with such collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Interest will accrue on any past due amounts at the rate of the lesser of 1% per month or the lawful maximum.

3.7.You may cancel the order or request us stop posting the ads on Timable, but there will be NO Refund in any forms once the payment transaction is completed.

4.Disputes and Reversals

4.1.If you believe that an unauthorized or otherwise problematic transaction has taken place under your account, you agree to notify us immediately, so that we may take action to prevent financial loss.

4.2.You waive all claims against us related to payments.

4.3.You are responsible for and agree to reimburse us for all reversals, charge-backs, claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability incurred by us (including costs and related expenses) that were caused by or arising out of payments that you authorized or accepted.

4.4.Your only remedy for a technical failure or interruption of service is to request that your transaction be completed at a later time.

5.Special Provisions Applicable to Advertisers

5.1.When you purchase advertising on Timable, you agree to pay all amounts specified in the order, along with any charges (like Paypal charges) and applicable taxes.

5.2.You are responsible for maintaining the security of your advertising account, and you understand that you will be charged for any orders placed on or through your advertising account.

5.3.You can cancel an advertising order at any time through email, but your ads may run for several days after you notify us, and you are still responsible for paying for those ads.

5.4.Without limiting section 3.1, your order constitutes your written authorization for us to obtain your personal and/or business credit report from a credit bureau. We may obtain your credit report when you place an order, or at any time thereafter.

5.5.It is your responsibility to remit any taxes that apply to your transactions. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any claim arising out of your failure to do so.

6.Notices and Amendments to These Payments Terms

6.1.We may provide notices to you by posting them on our website, or by sending them to an email address that you previously provided to us. Website and email notices shall be considered received by you within 24 hours of the time posted or sent.

6.2.Except as otherwise stated, you must send notices to us relating to payments and these Payment Terms to our main email.

6.3.The Payment Terms in place at the time you confirm a transaction will govern that transaction.


7.1.All of the commitments you make in the Timable Statement of Rights and Responsibilities apply to payments through Timable. In the event of any conflict between these Payments Terms and the Timable Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the Payments Terms shall prevail.

7.2.If you are under the age of 18, you may make payments only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. You should review these Payments Terms with a parent or guardian to make sure that you both understand them.

7.3."Us," "we," "our," "claim" and "Timable" mean the same as they do in the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

7.4.Some countries may restrict or prohibit your ability to make payments through Timable. Nothing in these Payments Terms should be read to override or circumvent any such foreign laws.

Advertising Guidelines

Advertising Philosophy

At Timable, we believe that every part of our site, including the ads, should contribute to and be consistent with the overall user experience. Thus, we are committed to protecting our user experience by keeping the site clean, consistent, and free from intrusive advertising. We believe that we can help transform existing advertising into messages which are tailored to the individual user based on how the users interact and affiliate with the events, venues, timings and businesses they care about.

Advertising Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to all ads appearing on Timable. In addition, all advertising on Timable must comply with the Privacy Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Timable reserves the right to reject or remove advertising that we deem contrary to our ad philosophy. These guidelines are subject to change at any time and Timable may waive any of these guidelines at its discretion.


1.1.Advertisers cannot create or manage multiple Timable accounts for advertising purposes unless given permission by Timable to do so.

1.2.Advertisers cannot programmatically automate the creation of accounts or ads unless given permission by Timable to do so.

2.Landing pages / Destination URLs (if any)

2.1.Ads that contain a URL or domain in the body must link to that same URL or domain.

2.2.Ads must send users to the same landing page when the ad is clicked.

2.3.The URL must be related to the event. The landing page must contain the information of the event. Landing page of the advertiser without information of the event is prohibited.

2.4.Landing pages cannot generate a pop-up (including "pop-overs" and "pop-unders") when a user enters or leaves the page.

2.5.Landing pages cannot use "fake" close behavior (ie. when a user clicks the 'close' icon on the page, the page should close down and no other behavior should result).

2.6.Landing pages cannot utilize "mouse trapping" whereby the advertiser does not allow users to use their browser "back button" and traps them on their site and/or present any other unexpected behavior (for example: navigation to another ad or page).

2.7.Ads cannot require viewers to click on the ad to submit Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, date of birth, phone numbers, Hong Kong ID card number, physical addresses, or email addresses) on the landing page or in the ad, except to enable an ecommerce transaction and where the ad and landing page clearly indicate that a product is being sold.

3.Timable references

3.1.The following conditions apply to all ads that:

3.1.1.Ads may make limited references to "Timable" in its title, body, or image for the purposes of clarifying the destination of the ad;

3.1.2.Ads cannot imply any endorsement of the product, service, or ad destination by Timable.

3.2.All other ads, destination ads, and landing pages must adhere to the following restrictions:

3.2.1.Ads cannot mention or refer to Timable, its site or its brand in any manner, including in the title, body, image, or destination URLs;

3.2.2.Ads cannot use Timable logos, trademarks, or site terminology (including but not limited to Timable, The Timable, and other company graphics, logos, designs, or icons);

3.2.3.Timable site features cannot be emulated.

4.Ad Copy and Image Content

4.1.Ads must directly relate to the content on the landing page.

4.2.Ads must clearly represent the event, or company that is being advertised.

4.3.Ads cannot insult, harass, or threaten a user.

4.4.Ads cannot contain audio that plays automatically, without a user's interaction.

5.Ad Content

5.1.Ads must state clearly and correctly the date, time and frequency. No extra duration or higher frequency is allowed.

5.2.Ads must be categorized as "Under 18" or "18+". There will be a "18+" icon in the event indicating that the event is "18+" and only users aged 18 or above can access this ad.

5.3.Ads must contain the information regarding the specific event only. If there are two or more events by the same advertisers, the advertisers must post seperate ads.

5.4.The image uploaded for the ad must be directly related to the event, instead of the logo of the advertisers/organizers or anything else.

6.Prohibited Content

6.1.Ads must not be false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive.

6.2.Ads cannot contain, facilitate, promote, or reference the following:

6.2.1.Offensive, profane, vulgar, obscene or inappropriate language;

6.2.2.Obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous and/or unlawful content;

6.2.3.Gambling, including without limitation, any online casino, sports books, bingo, or poker without authorization from Timable;

6.2.4.Scams, illegal activity, pyramid schemes, or chain letters;

6.2.5.Contests and sweepstakes unless given permission by Timable to do so;

6.2.6.Get rich quick and other money making opportunities that offer compensation for little or no investment, including money making schemes positioned as alternatives to part-time or full-time employment;

6.2.7.Adult content, including nudity, sexual terms and/or images of people in positions or activities that are excessively suggestive or sexual, or provocative images in violation of community standards;

6.2.8.Adult friend finders or dating sites with a sexual emphasis;

6.2.9.Adult toys, videos, or other adult products;

6.2.10.Uncertified pharmaceutical products;

6.2.11.Spy cams or illegal surveillance equipment;

6.2.12.Web-based non-accredited colleges that offer degrees;

6.2.13.Inflammatory religious content;

6.2.14.Politically religious agendas and/or any known associations with hate, criminal and/or terrorist activities;

6.2.15.Content that exploits political agendas or uses "hot button" issues for commercial use regardless of whether the advertiser has a political agenda;

6.2.16.Hate speech, whether directed at an individual or a group, and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or language of such individual or group;

6.2.17.Content that advocates against any organization, person, or group of people, with the exception of candidates running for public office;

6.2.18.Content that depicts a health condition in a derogatory or inflammatory way or misrepresents a health condition in any way.

6.3.The abovementioned prohibited content overrides the terms of YouTube in case you put a video on YouTube and put it in the YouTube "Embeddable Player" on Timable. For example, a YouTube video which is legal in YouTube but violating one of the abovementioned content, it’s prohibited in Timable and Timable reserves the rights to remove the YouTube link or terminate the order following the terms for "Violation and Termination".

7.Data and Privacy

7.1.You may not give data you receive from us to any third party, including ad networks.

7.2.Unless authorized by us, your ads may not display user data, such as users' names or profile photos, whether that data was obtained from Timable or otherwise.

7.3.You may not use user data you receive from us or collect through running an ad, including information you derive from your targeting criteria, for any purpose off of Timable, without user consent.


8.1.Any targeting of ads based on a user attribute, such as age, gender, location, or interest, must be directly relevant to the offer, and cannot be done by a method inconsistent with privacy and data policies.

8.2.In Timable, all ads must be categorized as "Under 18" or "18+". Advertisers must select the correct category when they post the ad in Timable.

8.3.For the content of the ads categorized as "Under 18", it can contain any events but subject to section 6 and other terms.

8.4.For the content of the ads categorized as "18+", it can contain alcoholic beverages which is subject to section 10. It can also adult themes and dating events/services subject to following terms.

8.5.Ads with adult themes, including contraception, sex education, and health conditions must be targeted to individuals at least 18 years old. Platform ads should do this via Demographic Restrictions, not by obtaining user data.

8.6.Ads for dating events, services, or related content must be categorized as "18+".

9.Prices, discounts, and free offers

9.1.Ads cannot be deceptive or fraudulent about any offer made.

9.2.If an ad includes a price, discount, or 'free' offer,

9.2.1.the destination URL for the ad must link to a page that clearly and accurately offers the exact deal the ad has displayed;

9.2.2.the ad must clearly state what action or set of actions is required to qualify for the offer;

9.2.3.the advertisers bear the responsibility to update the offer in Timable as soon as there are any changes within reasonable period.

10.Ads for Alcoholic Beverages

10.1.Ads must be targeted to people 18 years old or older in Hong Kong. Viewer of the ads must be restricted to be set at 18+ (by correctly categorizing the ad as "18+" by the advertisers themselves). In the case where a user's age cannot be determined, the ad cannot be displayed to the user in question.

10.2.Ads cannot include content that might appeal to (or mislead) minors by implying that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is fashionable or the accepted course of behavior for those who are underage.

10.3.Ads cannot include or target any person under the legal drinking age in the region the ad appears, or be suggestive of the presence of those who are underaged.

10.4.Ads cannot portray or promote intoxication.

10.5.Ads cannot induce people to consume alcohol in excess, make references to the intoxicating effects of alcohol, depict activities that encourage excessive consumption or that encourage drinking at a rapid rate, or suggest the strength of the alcoholic beverage being advertised.

10.6.Ads cannot induce people to drive after consumed alcohol.

10.7.Ads cannot promote any giveaways as a reward for purchasing the alcoholic product.

10.8.It is recommended that the ad creative contain text that promotes drinking responsibly, e.g. "Drink Responsibly", "Drink Smart" or "Don't Drive after Drink".

11.Copyrights and trademarks

11.1.Ads cannot include any content that infringes upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary right.

11.2.The advertiser must have intellectual property rights to the creative and be permitted to display such creative as advertising in Timable.


12.1.Ads cannot contain, facilitate or promote 'spam' or other advertising or marketing content that violates applicable laws, regulations or industry standards.


13.1.Ads cannot offer incentives to viewers for clicking on the ad, for submitting Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, date of birth, phone number, Hong Kong ID card number, physical addresses, or email addresses), or for performing any other tasks.


14.1.Ads cannot contain or link, whether directly or indirectly, to a site that contains spyware/malware downloads, whether initiated automatically or manually by the user, or other auto-initiated downloads.

14.2.Ads that link to a site that facilitates or promotes toolbars or other non-malicious user-initiated downloads must clearly state the action the user must take to utilize the service (e.g. "Download required").

14.3.Ads cannot contain or link to a site that facilitates or promotes:

14.3.1.Collection of demographic and usage information from a user's computer without the user's express consent;

14.3.2.Collection or request of Timable usernames or passwords from any user;

14.3.3.Proxying Timable usernames or passwords for the purpose of automating logins to the Timable site;

14.3.4.Any software that (i) "sneaks" onto a user's system and performs activities hidden to the user, (ii) may alter, harm, disable or replace any hardware or software installed on user's computer without express permission from the user, (iii) is bundled as a hidden component of other software whether free or for fee, (iv) automatically downloads without Timable's express prior approval, (v) presents any download dialog boxes without a user's express action, or (vi) may violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, patent or any other proprietary right.

All the following rules apply to both English and Chinese (when applicable to the language).

15.Grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and spacing

15.1.Ad text must be grammatically correct and contain proper sentence structure.

15.2.Ad text must be in complete sentences.

15.3.Ads cannot include excessive repetition (such as "buy, buy, buy").

15.4.Ads must use correct spelling.

15.5.Ad text must include grammatically correct spacing.


16.1.Ads must use proper, grammatically correct capitalization (such as capitalizing the first letter of all proper nouns and capitalizing the title of the ad).

16.2.Ads cannot include excessive capitalization (such as "FREE") or incorrect capitalization (such as capitalizing the first letter of every word in a sentence).

16.3.Acronyms may be capitalized.


17.1.Ads must include logical, correct punctuation.

17.2.Ads cannot contain repeated and unnecessary punctuation (such as "Buy now!!!").

17.3.All complete sentences (including if the ad title is a complete sentence) must end with a single punctuation mark. Sentences cannot end with ellipses, dashes, etc.

17.4.Exclamation points cannot be used in the title of any ad.


18.1.The use of all symbols, numbers, or letters must adhere to the true meaning of the symbol.

18.2.Ads cannot contain repeated and unnecessary symbols.

18.3.Symbols cannot be used for the following:

18.3.1.To substitute for letters (e.g. "$ave" instead of "save");

18.3.2.To substitute for entire words (e.g. "&" instead of "and" or "$" instead of "cash/dollars/money");

18.3.3.As unnecessary abbreviations to shorten character count (e.g. "w/" instead of "with" or "@" instead of "at").

18.4.Symbols may be used for the following:

18.4.1.If the symbol is part of the product or brand name;

18.4.2.If the $ symbol is paired with a dollar amount (e.g. "Save $100 today");

18.4.3.If the # symbol is used for comparative phrases (e.g. "Voted the #1 site by NY Times").

19.Violation and Termination

19.1.Any ads that violate the above terms will be terminated by Timable without any refund.

19.2.The termination will follow the "Termination" section and other sections in "Statement of Rights and Responsibilities".